
How are our Upper School teachers (Grades 5-8) using AI to enrich student learning?


社会科学, AI allows teachers to use primary documents in a way that is accessible to students. 

乔治·华盛顿的告别演说 《十大电子游艺网站》是一本很难读的书. 

“It’s written in old time-y English, not necessarily the most accessible or easy to interpret. It’s also a very formal speech,” explains Social Sciences Teacher 凯特琳Wellnitz. 

作为一个单位的一部分 U.S. 外交政策, students were reading and citing portions of George Washington’s address, with the help of AI. 使用 MagicSchool人工智能, 专为学校设计的免费资源, Katelyn used the Text Leveler tool to rewrite this difficult text for the students. 学生可以选择使用原文, 修改版本, or both to help them understand the content of George Washington’s speech. AI effectively removed the barrier that the formal, flowery language put in the way of understanding the content.

Here’s an example of text we popped into the AI Text Leveler, and what it produced:

Katelyn did caution her students that the rewritten text is not something they can quote, 因为这不是原文. “It’s essentially how one might paraphrase the original text,” she explained to her class. She followed that up by having an important conversation about directly quoting versus paraphrasing evidence. Once students were able to understand the general message, they could go back and use the original text and pull out quotes. 

凯特琳说, “I think it made the text really accessible for students where reading can be a barrier or a challenge.”

When asked whether kids are tempted to write their essays using AI, 凯特琳共享, “We have a general conversation about AI any time we’re starting a writing assignment. The goal of the assignment is to see how you write and develop your skills, not how a computer writes or how a tech program can write. There will be time and a place in your life to use AI, but right now you’re not going to be able to judge the quality of AI writing until you develop your own writing skills - understanding what makes for a good paragraph or essay, 什么是好的过渡. 发展技能和 然后 使用工具.”

AI 用西班牙语 class bridges the wide range of student fluency

“我有一个宽, wide range of skills in my classrooms - from absolute beginners to fluency, 这很有挑战性.西班牙语老师卡拉·威尔金斯说. “Since our curriculum is story-based and novel-based, we can use AI tools to address the needs of our advanced students, alongside the needs of our developing and emerging skills students.”


使用 MagicSchool人工智能, Carla can use tools like Text Rewriter to rewrite an entire chapter of a book for the level of each student. She can also create original custom academic content with AI– including embedding grammar points in chapters and novels that students are reading, or generating a text that focuses on an aspect of interest in a chapter, such as unique foods one might encounter while living with a host family or traveling through Spain. 

Before AI, teachers were limited to the standard resources that come with a novel.  虽然仍然有用, these resources are not differentiated for fluency levels, and they focus primarily on helping students understand the content.  与人工智能, 卡拉可以走得更远, 为某个主题创建目标词汇表, or creating games that help with comprehension and skill-building. 卡拉说, “The AI tools allow me to have students produce more and apply more than just show understanding.” 

任务:为某一集写剧本 切碎的西班牙 是否使用人工智能.

Carla is transparent with her students about how she uses AI in the classroom. She is also allowing them to explore AI for a cooking project that mimics TV’s 切碎 用西班牙语.   

Students were given four options for how to develop their TV script:

1) Begin and complete writing the script 用西班牙语, 

2)开始用英语写作, so that your imagination is not limited by the Spanish you know, 然后用人工智能把它翻译成西班牙语. This approach teaches students a lot of the words, phrases, and syntax that they normally use. 

3) Use a scaffolded script provided by Carla, for each section of the script, or 

4) Use AI, starting from scratch, telling it what you want it to write.

Carla shared that students were “all over” Option 4 in the beginning. But only one out of ten groups, after exploring that possibility, ended up using it. They realized that in order to communicate with AI and get an AI to do what you want is a labor-intensive process, 此外,它还会限制他们的创造力.

卡拉说, “It’s a wonderful tool but it does require you to know exactly what you want the end product to be.”

“最终, I would like for them to be able to use AI that supports the learning, 但并不能阻止他们学习,卡拉说。. 她告诉她的学生, “你可以使用这个工具来支持你的过程, 而不是替换流程.”

We discovered that AI also generates (bad) teacher jokes. :)

With a myriad of teacher tools available, Magic School AI also generates Teacher Jokes. 你来评判吧,有趣也好,没意思? 


Because he knew he wasn't less than or greater than anyone else!

What did one raindrop say to the other on a rainy day?


老师不开玩笑, our faculty are continuing to evaluate the potential for how AI can support student learning–from developing student-friendly rubrics, 扩大学生资源, 提供个性化的支持.
